Uberhippe merkenblender tijdens Fashion week. McDonalds wordt Mc$$$. Of – zoals ze zelf zeggen – McFancy.
“McFancy, an upmarket temporary McDonald’s store that launches at Fashion Weeks around the globe — London, New York, Paris, Milan, Sydney, Hong Kong. McFancy is part art installation, gathering spot and, of course, a restaurant that offers a traditional McDonald’s menu but packaged in a way that makes a playful yet stylish nod to the lifestyle of the highly desirable, influential consumers that attend Fashion Weeks”
Concept is uit januari. Denkelijk is het bij een concept gebleven. Ik heb in ieder geval nergens iets weten te vinden over de feitelijke uitvoering.
Opzet Amy Ross in opdracht van Coolhunter.
File under “luxury”, “brand”, “everyday”, “items”, “spoof”.
Some artist, 5-10 years ago:
Martí Guixé, sponsored food (1997?):
Also, Vuitton garbage bags, 10+ years ago at Colette Paris.
First linked image is work by Tom Sachs, which is what this instantly reminded me of.