“This is the most extensive exhibition of Stella’s oeuvre to date, and includes works from the 1950s to the 2010s. We’ll follow the aesthetic trajectory of the artist’s various phases from his ground breaking “black stripe” paintings to his current production that exists somewhere between what painting could be and architectural sculptural concepts. This presentation might help answer why Frank Stella is considered perhaps the greatest living American Abstractionist.”
Niels Post is beeldend kunstenaar en actief als mede-oprichter van Trendbeheer.com. Hij is opgeleid aan de AKI in Enschede en het San Francisco Art Institute. Zijn werk is wereldwijd te zien geweest op videofestivals, tentoonstellingen en als zelfinitiatief in de openbare ruimte.
Spam, computer gegenereerde tekst die niemand wil maar die overal opduikt, vormt de laatste jaren het basismateriaal van zijn beroepspraktijk. Post gebruikt het voor interventies op leegstaande winkelramen, wandsculpturen en ruimtevullende installaties.
Shitmaker, Fame festival 2011. (Volgend jaar in Delfshaven) “I wanted to rebuild the situation i found in bilbao 2009 in an abandoned factory building. The last floor of the building was occupied by immigrants. I [Meer…]
“Their contemporary art collection is one of the largest and most impressive in the world. Don and Mera Rubell began collecting soon after their marriage in the 60s, and their children followed in their footsteps. [Meer…]
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