Beer with a Painter: Sam Gilliam

Beer with a Painter: Sam Gilliam

    “Seahorses” (1975), acrylic on canvas. Philadelphia Museum of Art.

‘One of my mother’s friends pointed out that when we played in the front yard, every other child was running around making noise, and I was quiet. I was drawing. She suggested to my mother, “If you keep that kid filled with paper, you won’t have any trouble with him.”’

‘It was an amazing time. Paul Robeson came to speak, and there were very few black students at the time. He said he wouldn’t speak without black students, so they bused in students from the black college nearby.’

‘There was a visiting professor from Munich named Carl Crodel. He looked at us and decided to teach us nothing but drawing. He was in a concentration camp, yet he knew Matisse, Klee, most artists. He said when he was released from the concentration camp, he took a boat and went around the world just to see if it was still there.’

Zomaar wat quotes uit een interview met Sam Gilliam in de geweldige interviewserie Beer with a Painter bij Hyperallergic.

About Niels Post 3659 Articles
Niels Post is beeldend kunstenaar en actief als mede-oprichter van Hij is opgeleid aan de AKI in Enschede en het San Francisco Art Institute. Zijn werk is wereldwijd te zien geweest op videofestivals, tentoonstellingen en als zelfinitiatief in de openbare ruimte. Spam, computer gegenereerde tekst die niemand wil maar die overal opduikt, vormt de laatste jaren het basismateriaal van zijn beroepspraktijk. Post gebruikt het voor interventies op leegstaande winkelramen, wandsculpturen en ruimtevullende installaties.

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