Voor wie zich afvraagt hoe het is om, net als Jerry Saltz ooit, de kost te verdienen als vrachtwagenchauffeur. Een van de vele juweeltjes uit het oeuvre van documentairemaker Doug Pray.
“From the opening scene at New York City’s Hunt’s Point Market, to California’s San Joaquin Valley, BIG RIG is the ultimate road-trip movie about a group of fiercely independent souls, who, according to one driver, “represent the last of the spirit of the American cowboy.” Underlying their stories is the reality that every item you own was delivered by truck and if truckers staged a strike, within 48 hours, this entire nation would grind to a halt. Yet, drivers face skyrocketing gas prices, government interference, corporate take-over of their industry, and a highly unsympathetic public full of “four-wheelers” who more often give the finger, than the right-of-way.”
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