David Byrne @ 20×200
Roots of War in Popular Song (forest of no return), 14″x11″, 2006 “Popular song can be viewed as a measure of sentiment, feeling, and values, and of what a culture projects as their identity. I’m [Meer…]
Roots of War in Popular Song (forest of no return), 14″x11″, 2006 “Popular song can be viewed as a measure of sentiment, feeling, and values, and of what a culture projects as their identity. I’m [Meer…]
Toe Jam – Brighton Port Authority
Furnishing the Self — Upholstering the Soul, 2006 Pratend hoofd zegt: stop making sense. Byrne interviewt Byrne. Site: davidbyrne.com Weblog in de vorm van een journal: journal.davidbyrne.com Stromend muzieklog: davidbyrne.com/radio
Byrne blikt antropo-sociologisch terug op Art Basel Miami: “art evolved as a kind of display useful for sexual selection. […] The maker may have genetic fitness not immediately apparent, especially given the fact that the [Meer…]
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