David Hockney bij de patatboer

David Hockney bij de patatboer

15-02, 2017 Niels Post 0

“It was a print given to the local chippy by an arty, black-haired teenager who lived round the corner and for many years it was proudly displayed in the most obvious place: above the fryers.” [Meer…]

David Hockney @ Tate

David Hockney @ Tate

21-12, 2016 Niels Post 0

“David Hockney is one of the most popular and influential British artists of the twentieth century. Here he reflects on over 60 years of painting, drawing, printmaking and photography ahead of his exhibition at Tate [Meer…]

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Røndje København

11-12, 2011 [Redactie] 4

Kopenhagen, wat een stad, ultra fietsvriendelijk soort Berlijn aan de Baltische Zee. Een vertraagd verslag. (een bericht van Erosie)

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