Het internet anno 1973
Toen een kaart van het hele internet nog kon worden uitgeprint op één A4. “The map is not geographical but schematic, with 36 square “nodes”—early routers—and 42 oval computer hosts (one popular mainframe, the massive [Meer…]
Toen een kaart van het hele internet nog kon worden uitgeprint op één A4. “The map is not geographical but schematic, with 36 square “nodes”—early routers—and 42 oval computer hosts (one popular mainframe, the massive [Meer…]
“F: You can go here and download entire copies of books. M: So you can take the full text of a book and download it, asuming its public domain? F: That is correct.” Als dat [Meer…]
lolcat7 “A lolcat (usually pronounced /ˈlɒlkæt/ LOL-kat, sometimes el-oh-el cat) is an image combining a photograph of a cat, with a humorous and idiosyncratic caption in (often grammatically incorrect) English—a dialect which is known as [Meer…]
Twitter volgens de jodi’s: (Plus meer youtube van Noordkaaps webcrash.) you-talking-to-me.com (Van de jodi’s, natuurlijk. Via Aram Bartholl – Blog)
“Let the visitors to your site bring you World Domination™! […] Every visitor who clicks on the image on your site will conquer a piece of land (2° by 2°) for your domain name. All [Meer…]
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