Frank Lloyd Wright gerestaureerd

Frank Lloyd Wright gerestaureerd

16-06, 2016 Niels Post 0

“MoMA conservator Ellen Moody prepares a wood and paperboard model of Frank Lloyd Wright’s St. Mark’s-in-the-Bouwerie Towers for restoration. The St. Mark’s Tower model will be one of many featured in the upcoming exhibition “Frank [Meer…]

Art Cologne

Art Cologne

19-04, 2016 Sasha Dees 1

Grace Weaver bij Soy Capitan. Art Cologne bestaat dit jaar 50 jaar, er staan ongeveer 250 galeries en de beurs trekt ongeveer 60.000 bezoekers. Veel lokale bezoekers, er zit het nodige kapitaal in Keulen en [Meer…]

No Picture

Anouk Kruithof @ MoMA

11-02, 2016 Niels Post 0

‘Travel photographs, image circulation and obsolescence were on Anouk Kruithof’s mind when she made “Subconscious Travelling.” Hear Kruithof discuss the ideas behind this photographic installation, which began with her discovery of an empty travel album [Meer…]

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