New York update

NY update

    Kendall Geers’ zelfportret, gratis en voor niks.

Even wat plaatjes tussendoor van uw gelegenheids correspondent buitenland.

Of, waar men zoal over struikelt in de straten van New Yorkse stadje Manhattan, de stad waar de kunst werkelijk voor het oprapen ligt:

NY update

Koekje van eigen deeg als galeriewerk van Gavin Turk daarintegen extra duur.

NY update

Galeriewerk door Christopher Wool, ongetwijfeld ook ook niet gratis.

NY update

Doorkijkje met een oudere Sol LeWitt en Cost en Revs.

NY update

Extra large door Robert Therrien, met in achtergrond gebalde vuist van suppoost. Fotograferen mag niet.

NY update

Zomaar in het wild: Barry McGee, aka Twist.

NY update

Zomaar in het wild: de zware metalen van Revs in samenspraak met Espo.

NY update

België represent, de opgezette tatoeages van Wim D.

NY update

Zomaar in het wild: een (minder) verse KR.

NY update

Zomaar in het wild: Swoon.

NY update

En ook om de hoek, in (onder) tijdelijke galerie.

NY update

NY update

Britney Spears lives!

NY update

Met vriendelijke groet,
uw gelegenheids correspondent.

About Jeroen Jongeleen 131 Articles
Uw gelegenheidscorrespondent in den vreemde


  1. Apologies to all who don’t speak English.

    I got an emails form a friend Richard William Head III who went to the opening and said that the Show was a great success- he is a free lance writer for a magazine called “PLAYBOY”… ( a magazine full of interesting articles and pictures)He is writing a story about “Street Walking As An Art- the sale of ones body- The Real Art” He said that the work(at-least by JJ) presented in the gallery was very intuitive to the contemporary times which we live in. Richard believes that both street art and street walking have much in common- they are both done on the streets, and have moved in to indoor venues to “decriminalize” their natural illegal stature- as well as gotten much more expensive. New York once the mecca (no offense to our Muslim readers) for both- has had a god like hand squashing down on it since the late 1990’s.. more than 3.5 million arrests were made last year alone for street art and prostitution– well, I guess since the New York ban on the “street arts”-its good to see that there are still people out there who are doing their thing. Keep up the great work – we are a whores in the end. (of course I mean those who actually touch the streets- or prostitutes)- you broke down some walls- or at-least kicked them.

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